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God. Family. Country.


Property Tax Relief

As Dr. Seuss states in Horton Hears a Who, "A person's a person, no matter how small" (or how sick).  Darin Smith believes in and will defend the sanctity of life, from the unborn to the most elderly and vulnerable. Pro-life from conception to grave.

Darin Smith will sponsor legislation aimed at reducing the property tax burden that has been placed on our citizens by skyrocketing real estate prices.


Darin seeks to deliver financial prudence while ensuring that seniors can maintain their homes and community connections.


Go to to learn more about how we will achieve real tax reform in Wyoming over the next decade.

Limit Excessive Regulations

Darin is committed to the principles of individual liberty, economic opportunity, and responsible governance.

By trusting in the ingenuity and resourcefulness of its citizens, Wyoming can cultivate a climate where innovation flourishes, businesses thrive, and personal freedoms are cherished. Reducing regulatory obstacles not only strengthens the State's economy but also preserves its rich heritage and paves the way for a prosperous future.


From beef to wheat, Wyoming has a rich and diverse agricultural industry that is vital to our State’s economy.

I’ll protect our farmers from harmful regulations that impact their land use and water rights as well as their bottom line. Farmers and ranchers are the best stewards of their own land and should be the ones to determine how they farm it - not bureaucrats.

End DEI In Wyoming

DEI initiatives prioritize arbitrary quotas based on immutable characteristics, creating a climate of discrimination and stifling free speech.


It's time to abolish DEI programs and restore true equality under the law, where individuals are judged not by the color of their skin or their gender, but by the content of their character and their contributions to society.

Protect Women's Sports & Bathrooms

Men should be prohibited from competing in women's sports and accessing women's bathrooms and locker rooms. Biological advantages inherent to men create an uneven playing field that undermines fairness in women's athletics. Additionally, allowing men into spaces designated for women endangers their safety and privacy, violating their right to feel secure in environments meant solely for them. Protecting women's rights is paramount, and we must reject any agenda that compromises their safety under the guise of inclusivity.

2nd Amendment

Repealing gun-free zones is essential for restoring public safety and upholding Constitutional Rights.  The right to self-defense should not be compromised by arbitrary restrictions, and repealing these zones is a critical step in ensuring that our communities are both safer and freer.


Energy production in Wyoming is the backbone of our State's economy, sustaining generations of hardworking Wyomingites and providing reliable energy to homes and businesses across the nation. With our abundant coal reserves and vast natural gas deposits, Wyoming stands as a beacon of energy independence and security.

Parental Rights & School Choice

Darin is dedicated to enhancing our education system by advocating for the expansion of school choice, allowing parents to select the best educational environment for their children. His commitment extends to ensuring that education funding is directed toward improving classroom learning. A strong proponent of educational and religious freedom, Darin believes these principles should be upheld in our schools. He is also opposed to controversial programs that promote progressive, anti-American ideologies, such as Critical Race Theory (CRT), as they are inconsistent with the values of Wyoming.

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P.O. Box 20978

Cheyenne, WY 82003



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